The easiest way to memorize theology is to sing it! My friends at Sovereign Grace Music took my latest book The Ology and wrote a song for each chapter! Now you can read easy to understand theology to your children and then turn on the music and listen to them sing it right back to you! Giving your kids quality songs with truth-filled lyrics is by far the easiest way to help them learn. Get a copy of their album to go along with my book for your kids this Christmas and be amazed as they learn some of the following truths taken directly from the lyrics of The Ology music album:
“Since Adam and since Eve sin spread like a disease
We know that on our own we cannot beat it
But though it seeks to kill, our God is stronger still
And only by His grace can we defeat it”
“He’s totally God and totally man
Both in One, He’s the great I Am
To Save the world, fulfill God’s plan
He had to be totally God, totally man”
“No one is good, not even one
But God can make us daughters, God can make us sons
Jesus paid the price when He offered up His life
So we could be part of God’s great family”
“God tells us there will come a day
When all His promises come true
When every tear is wiped away and all will be made new
What a great day that will be when Jesus comes back for His own
He will reign eternally from heaven’s throne”
“From Genesis to Revelation there’s one story of Your great salvation
It’s all about Jesus, oh, it’s all about Jesus
Shoutin out from every page, there’s one Hero that’ll save the day
It’s all about Jesus, oh, it’s all about Jesus”
Give your kids a Christmas gift that will provide hours of truth-filled entertainment while helping them learn the life-transforming message of the Gospel.
What a refreshing song and book combination! I’m a bit late for Christmas but never too late to give my grandchildren the best in theology in their language! I will be ordering these as soon as I am able!
May you know how much you have blessed this Grammie in Colorado, and be blessed in return!